21 September 2012

Portobello High School community consultation

Participated in Portobello High School community consultation. Thoroughly unsatisfactory meeting. However… We were table #3. Our conclusions drawn on page above (click to enlarge) but just to summarise:

  1. Investigate if Portobello Park is Common Good Land (probably not seems to be consensus).
  2. If it is enact a Private Act of Parliament to allow building here (as at National Galleries in Princess St Gardens.
  3. Appeal to supreme court.

1A. IN PARALLEL with the above Council should start feasibility into option 2 site.

NB our table also concluded following:

  • No to community referendum as that would “polarise opinion” and distract from the issue.
  • No to existing school site – too small and de-cant not plausible.
  • No to any site outwith the catchment area of the school.
  • Walking to school is the best option!

Portobello High School community consultation